The bathroom as it was when we moved in. |
At last we have a bathroom fitted and working. I am totally thrilled with it. When we moved in, the bathroom was fairly scruffy, the bath needed re-enamelling, and there was an enormous cupboard taking up a lot of space that had previously house the boiler. Although it was old and scruffy, it was usable and so we kept it as it was, with plans to change it around sometime in the future.
That all changed when we were on holiday in April - the shower, which the previous occupants had seen fit to locate NOT over the bath (as it would have been sensible to do), but directly over the floor, exploded and flooded the bathroom and the utility. It did a lot of damage. Fortunately for me, my amazing cleaner came in to feed the animals whilst we were away and discovered it. There was water an inch or so deep in both the bathroom and the utility and it was pouring through the ceiling. The electrics were off (meaning my fish were freezing and my fridge and freezer defrosting) and it was general devastation and chaos. She managed to locate the (cunningly concealed) mains water and turned it off. She then restored enough power to keep the fish warm and the fridge/freezer cold, before mopping up as much of the mess as she possibly could and then taking delivery of a dehumidifier. When we returned from holiday it was to a house that was usable.
We took stock of the damage and it became obvious that the bathroom floor was going to need replacing as the tiles were buckled and coming ff. We decided to change the rest of the bathroom whilst it was in uproar. My Mother and Stepfather did most of the work and got to it whilst we went away to the InLaws for half term. This is how we left it!
Looking from the door. |
Looking back towards the door
- the old cupboard had been ripped out. |
We wanted the bath moved to under the window and the lavatory and sink moved along the wall to where the bath had been. We also ripped out the old cupboard and installed a walk in shower in it's place. The soil pipe was a bit of a problem and in the end we dropped it through the ceiling into the utility. As it is a Victorian house, we wanted the bathroom to look fairly Victorian. We chose metro crackle glaze tiles and a free standing tub.
And this is the result! I'm pretty pleased with it!
The bathroom looking towards the window. |
Looking back towards where the cupboard used to be. |
The heated towel rail and a cupboard. |
The baby's fold up bath fits quite neatly behind the heated towel rail! |
Thank goodness it is all completed now, just in time for guests! I do not do living in a mess very well and neither does The Husband. The Children were all very excited about it and had showers instead of a bath yesterday, even The Feral One who Does Not Like Showers. So thank you as well to my Mother and Stepfather who have put in a lot of hard work to it both paid and unpaid.