Monday, 18 June 2012

Father's Day.

The Husband is pretty ace.  He is a great father to the children and a huge support to me.  Whenever he is at home, he is on the go - looking after children, or clearing up after us all.  I think he goes to work for a break...

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am not good at birthdays or anniversaries.  In fact I managed to almost forget The Husband's birthday this year (I had it in my head that it was after Father's Day when it was before, oops).  This year I wanted to make a bit more of a fuss over Father's Day to let him know how much we appreciate him.  I came across a sweet photo idea on Pinterest from Tatertots and Jello and decided to do our own version.  The idea was that each child should tell me why they love their Daddy and then I would write it on a chalkboard and take a photo of them holding it.  I then arranged the photos in a photo cube. I think they came out rather well.

The finished cube.

All four children together.  
The Baby
The Feral One
The Boy

The Eldest.

We also made him a card which was each child's handprint cut out.  I had intended on "nesting" them inside each other, but it turns out that I have had the children too close together to do that and that The Boy's hands are actually larger than The Eldest's and The Feral One's hand is not much smaller than that... 

I think he was pretty pleased with it all and wasn't too bothered at being piled on in the morning.  Especially as we brought pain au chocolat and tea with us :)


  1. This is an amazing idea!!!!!!!!! It is beautiful! :) Morgan ~

    1. Thanks Morgan! Totally inspired by Pinterest though, so can't take the credit :)
