This week didn't start off brilliantly as The Eldest woke up on Monday morning vomiting and completely unable to keep any food or water down with a high fever. This was a bit of a bummer (to say the least) as it was The Boy's 4th Birthday and I had a trip planned out for him with my Mother to the Natural History Museum in Oxford. He didn't seem too bothered by having to stay in and play with his presents though and my Mother came to spend the day with us instead. The Eldest lay on the sofa or slept in her bed all day (practically unheard of), so in the end I took her to the out of hours doctor where it turned out that she had a UTI and needed antibiotics. So a quiet week beckoned - I cancelled our friends for Tuesday and put the TV on instead for most of the week.
However, we did get some fun stuff done. On Tuesday (when The Husband swanned off on a business trip to Norway), we made
Elephant Toothpaste which the children were pretty amazed by.
Elephant Toothpaste |
On Wednesday friends came from London and we made lovely gooey
The Boy with his Slime. |
On Thursday I had an extremely rare day off to go with my Mother to the Olympics to watch Charlotte Dujardin pick up her second Gold medal in Dressage. It was SO lovely just to sit in the sunshine and relax with no small beasties pulling at my legs and screaming their commands at me. Much as I love the children with all my heart and couldn't live without them, it was total bliss to have a day to myself, the first one in a VERY long time. The Husband and Mother In Law looked after them and The Baby survived without me, despite still being pretty much exclusively breastfed.
A VERY rare day off, woohoo! |
Friday was a day of party prep, but The Mother In Law and I did manage to get a
water blob up and going, albeit a very leaky one!
Enjoying The Blob. |
We ended the week with a
Knights and Princesses birthday party for The Eldest and The Boy!
Knights and Princesses Birthday Party. |
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